Best 6 Pre- and Post-Workout Drinks & Smoothies
We recommend homemade Pre- and Post-Workout Drinks & Smoothies since these beverages are high in natural sugars, antioxidants, and dietary fibre
A Matcha Made in Heaven - Yoga & Matcha!
At Matcha Café, we believe that yoga and matcha tea are the perfect match. It makes perfect sense, they’re all about “Zen”, feeling alert but calm and encouraging the best possible energy flow throughout the body.
Why Matcha Green Tea Could Be The Key to a Longer, Healthier Life
The fountain of youth is something that people have looked for over centuries but the Japanese already know that the key to living longer could be down to drinking matcha tea.
What is Matcha? All you need to know about this elixir of long life
Matcha is a type of Green Tea Powder that is even more abundant in health benefits and has a creamy, exotic flavour with a hint of sweetness and plenty of earthy goodness. Matcha's antioxidants far outweighs most powerful superfoods we know of today.